

Conditions of the teeth and mouth are already severe problems, but when they reach the gums, they can quickly deteriorate. Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, is a disorder in which the inflammation of the gums advances to the bone beneath the gum line. It all starts with bacterial development in the mouth. These diseases can be prevented well if you consult a dentist such as a team in Smiles on Queen.

Here is a small informative blog to assist you to comprehend this illness and to give you a clear concept of how the sickness is related to tooth extraction.

Examining Gum Disease 

Gum disease is a very frequent issue in dentistry, with about 70% of people having it at some time in their lives. But it is total and absolute disregard for the issue that causes the most harm to persons in this predicament. As a result, minor gum disease such as gingivitis commonly gets out of hand and progresses to periodontitis, then severe gum disease. Advanced gum disease is the ultimate stage of a problem that cannot be cured or controlled with basic methods. In this scenario, tooth loss is impending due to bone loss around the tooth, which can only be corrected by surgery. However, if the disease is irreversible, tooth extraction is the only option.

Extraction of tooth 

If a tooth has become loose and requires treatment, you must realize that the tooth has been harmed by the germs that caused gum disease. This indicates that the infection has gone to the tooth’s surrounding bone and may have spread to other neighbouring teeth. To avoid this and prevent the illness from spreading, the tooth will need to be pulled, which is preferable to letting the tooth fall out on its own since the disease would have advanced too far by then. In severe cases, the tooth is already loose and can easily fall off, which is a clear indication that you need to get your tooth extracted, and with immediate effect. 

All of this, however, may be avoided by taking basic precautions early on and visiting your dentist on a regular basis. It is possible to contain the problem if it has not deteriorated. A tooth extraction, on the other hand, is a viable choice for you since the area formed may be cleansed, allowed to heal, and then replaced with a dental implant.