Dental Care

Why Clear Aligners are the Best Option for Kids and Teens?

As a parent, you want to do the best for your children. If they have a crooked tooth, you don’t want it to hinder their speech or eating habits. You might be tempted to ignore the problem and hope that it fixes itself over time. However, the truth is that you should do something about it. 

If you want to keep your child healthy, there are a few things that you need to know about dental braces. There are numerous braces and dental aligners that are being used at this time, but one of the most popular ones and the best option for your children are clear aligners for teens in Coconut Creek.

Here are reasons why clear aligners make the best option for kids and teens.

  • They are virtually invisible

You don’t want your child to be self-conscious about their teeth. If they are self-conscious, they won’t want to smile and show off the aligners. Traditional braces might be a bit embarrassing for children due to their metal brackets and wires. However, as clear aligners are invisible, kids don’t have to worry about hiding their mouths when they smile or laugh.

  • There are no food restrictions

Since clear aligners are easily removable, they don’t make any restrictions when it comes to food. Your child can enjoy all types of foods he or she wants without having to worry about damaging their teeth.

  • Brushing and flossing are a breeze

The maintenance of transparent aligners is quite easy. Brushing and flossing after every meal is a great way to keep the teeth clean. As clear aligners are removable, brushing and flossing are a breeze. This also helps you ensure that there are no cavities or other problems with the teeth.

  • More comfortable

Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners don’t make your child feel self-conscious. They can feel more comfortable when they smile and laugh without worrying that there are aligners on their teeth. Moreover, the pain that they would experience with braces is also a thing of the past. Clear aligners are so comfortable that your child won’t feel any pain or discomfort when they wear them.

  • Great for active teens

Teens of all ages are active. They like to be on the go and do things all day long. Active teens need a set of aligners that can make sure that they don’t end up with broken or chipped teeth when they participate in sports or activities. This is where clear aligners make the best option for active kids and teenagers.