
How Learning Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Can Benefit You


Dialectical behaviour therapy, or DBT, is one of the most effective treatments available today for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. DBT teaches its students how to recognize and change negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety and depression, improving their quality of life as well as saving them from potential self-harm. By taking a DBT course through an online university, you can learn how to handle your emotions better, improve your relationships with others, and take control of your life overall.


1. What Is DBT?

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioural therapy that emphasizes the psychosocial aspects of treatment. It was originally developed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD), but it has been shown to be effective in treating a range of other mental disorders, such as depression, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse.


2. What Skills Will I Learn?

You’ll learn how to better deal with difficult emotions, how to manage stress, and how to have more effective relationships. DBT skills will teach you how to better regulate your emotions, cope with stress, and relate to others in a more positive way. These skills can be applied in all areas of your life, from work and school to your personal relationships. 

In addition, you’ll learn about the importance of mindfulness and how to use it in your everyday life.  Mindfulness is a practice where one pays attention to what is happening in the present moment without judging or trying to change anything. It teaches you how to let go of negative thoughts that would otherwise consume your mind and leaves room for positivity. With mindfulness, you’ll learn how to take care of yourself by being mindful of when and what you eat, what habits are healthy for you, and ways to relax during stressful moments.


3. Why Are These Skills Useful?

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it’s more important than ever to have a strong understanding of how to manage our emotions. That’s where Dialectical Behaviour Therapy comes in. DBT is a type of therapy that teaches skills like emotional regulation, mindfulness, and distress tolerance. These skills can be incredibly useful in managing stress, anxiety, and depression.


4. Who Is This Therapy For?

DBT has been shown to be effective in treating a wide variety of mental health disorders, including: depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), and substance abuse disorders. In addition, DBT has also been found to be helpful in treating eating disorders, self-harm, and suicidal ideation.


5.  Is There Research Behind This Method?

There is a great deal of research that has been conducted on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. In fact, it is one of the most well-studied methods of treatment for mental illness. The research shows that DBT is effective in treating a variety of mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders. 


6. Where Can I Get Help Learning DBT Skills?

There are a number of resources available to help you learn DBT skills. DBT self-help books, workbooks, and online courses can be found online and in bookstores. Therapists who are trained in DBT can also provide individual or group therapy. Individual therapy is most often done on an outpatient basis where the therapist meets with clients for one hour once per week. Group therapy is typically conducted twice per week for 90 minutes each session.