
The Spread of HIV and More

The immune system is the primary target of the human immunodeficiency virus, most often referred to as HIV. A person with HIV ultimately develops AIDS, also known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome, over a period of time. The immune system of someone with AIDS is severely damaged. AIDS patients are commonly plagued by serious infections and other health problems.

What is the method through which HIV may spread?

HIV may spread by blood, sperm, or vaginal fluids that have been infected. Due to the mildness of the symptoms, people infected with HIV may go unnoticed for some time. Most of these people aren’t even aware that they are infecting others with HIV without even realising it. So how does hiv spread?

There is a chance that HIV will spread:

  • During sex (especially anal sex and vaginal sex)
  • injecting drugs or getting tattooed using different needles.
  • an infected person’s blood has been injected into a clean needle.
  • Aside from breastfeeding and delivery, HIV may also be transmitted from mother to child during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Transmission of HIV is not possible through:

  • urine, faeces, spitting, vomiting, or sweating (as long as no blood is present)
  • or both sneezing and coughing
  • embracing one another with one’s hands
  • sharing utensils or glasses of water

Is there anything I can do to protect myself?

Avoiding all forms of sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal) as well as sharing needles is the most efficient way to avoid catching HIV.

As a precaution, you may minimise your risk of developing HIV by taking these steps:

  • condoms should be required for every sex (including vaginal, oral, or anal sex)
  • Having one’s HIV tested and making sure that all of one’s partners get theirs done.
  • choosing just a select group of individuals to share intimate moments with

Getting tested and treated for STDs; having an STD boosts the risk of HIV infection by a significant amount.

You may be able to make better choices about your sexual health if you have a better understanding of HIV transmission. If you want to get tested for HIV or have any questions about the virus, contact your health care physician.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be transmitted by the passage of certain bodily fluids. AIDS may be transmitted by body fluids such as blood and sperm, as well as breast milk and vaginal secretions.

Only a small percentage of a person’s body fluids may transmit HIV. HIV cannot be transferred through the following:

Kissing with the mouth closed or exchanging utensils or drinks that include saliva are examples of situations when saliva exchange occurs. The virus may be transmitted by contact with HIV-positive patients’ tears, sneezes, or sweat and finally sex.


In adults in the United States, sexual activity and the use of illegal substances commonly contribute to the transmission of HIV. The virus may be spread from mother to child via a mechanism called as maternal transmission.